Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The First Man

“The First Man
It was all good. Everything. Without exception. In five days God created a spectacular earth with all of the features and amenities needed to live life to its fullest. On the sixth day God spoke forth His crowning achievement: man.

Read Genesis 1:26-28 and record God’s actions.

“God ” (v. 26).

“God ” (v. 27).

“God ” (v. 28).”

“God said it, God created it, and God blessed it. But specifically, God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. They will rule … ” (v. 26). This verse communicates two key ideas. First there is the image of God.

What do you think it means to be made in the image of God?

How does being made in God’s image influence the way you view your life and purpose on earth?

The plurality of “Let Us” and “Our image” refers to God’s trinitarian nature. That is, God exists in three Persons from all eternity and to all eternity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. To be made in His image is to be a reflection of Him. Just as an automobile built in an assembly plant reflects the nature, purpose, and intention of its creator, humankind has been designed to reflect our Creator. That leads us to the second key element in this passage: man was created to rule.”

“Does God’s command for man to rule mean that God no longer rules? How do God’s rule and man’s rule relate to each other?

When God created man in his image, He delegated to him the responsibility to care for and manage His creation. Up until that time God did all the work. He separated the water from the land, formed the light, grew the plants, created the sun and the moon, placed the stars in the sky, and made the animals. But on the sixth day, when God created man, He turned over the stewardship of the earth to the hands of men.

What is the difference between stewardship and ownership?

Why is that an important distinction?”

“Let’s be clear. God has not turned over absolute ownership of the earth to men. But He has assigned to us the managerial responsibility for ruling it. God endowed men with the opportunity and responsibility to manage what He had made.

Read Genesis 2:15.

The LORD God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it and watch over it.
Why did God place Adam in the garden?

What implications does this verse have for the men God places in particular situations today?”

“Adam was placed in the garden to work it and watch over it. These two actions still hold true for the identity of men today. Despite the fact that you might moan every time the alarm clock goes off, going to work is not a bad thing. In fact, work is from God. It’s part of your identity and responsibility as a man.

For Adam, working the land meant making it productive—developing its potential. From the productivity of the land, Adam would have what he needed to provide for those within his care. For men today, working the land means providing for those under our care. We also cultivate them, making sure they live up to all God has made them to be.

Adam was also to watch over the land. The Hebrew word used here means guard or have charge of. Every man is given a certain area—his garden—to care for and protect from threat. As with Adam, God’s purpose is for each man to be responsible to cultivate and watch over what’s within his care.”

“What is your “garden”—the area you are responsible to care for and protect?

What are you doing to cultivate that garden?

What are you doing to watch over it?

Which of these functions do you sense that you need help with? Why?

Pray about the things and people God has put under your care. As you think about that responsibility, ask God for grace, courage, strength, and wisdom to cultivate and watch over what He has entrusted to you.”

Excerpt From
Kingdom Man (Member Book)
Tony Evans
This material may be protected by copyright.

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